Day 6

Day 6

Well we are back to me and my father being high as a kite off some medicated brownies… Once again it is the night of the election 2012 and I just got back in the house from what seemed like a 14 hour trip to Safeway (which really only took about 5 minutes to drive there, an hour in the store because that is where the high kicked in and 8 minutes to get back) I asked my dad who was sitting in his recliner how he was feeling and he looked up and smiled and told me he was feeling great! I asked him was there any pain in his legs he said, “I’m sure its there but I can’t feel it.” He was smiling from ear to ear- so we just started talking. Now let me remind you the whole earth feels like it is moving in slow motion to me, so I sit down on the couch and my pops just starts telling me about any and everything in life that has happened. I start hearing stories about my dad that I had no idea about- before he was my dad he was a drug trafficker??? (court case documents here) …

Side bar- HOLY SHIT- this is the first time- today 1/16/2016 — I have had a detailed account of what happened to my dad- he was a real deal drug trafficker. He just told me he got arrested with some weed, this is serious- the feds followed him into Mexico…

What the hell- he was sent to prison for narcotics trafficking and that is where he earned his degree. Like I was lost- how the hell do you have a degree from the University of Washington that I am looking at on the wall and you were in prison? Well the short version is my dad is extremely resourceful and halfway brilliant when it comes to getting what he wants and utilizing “the system”. He was able to start correspondence with some department heads at the UW while he was imprisoned and they had some sort of program for people in jail to earn a degree.

So this is seriously throwing me for a loop- today is the first time I have ever seen this information on my dad so I am going to watch the rest of this Seahawks game and try to take all of this in. If yall want to read it, here it is again

To be continued…


Jesse Peak

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I have spent my entire adult working career (two decades) in the automotive industry. A positive car buying experience for every customer is what I am focused on.

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